3 Things You Need to Train For Your First 5K Without Spending a Fortune

Guest blog by Alexis Hall

For most beginning runners, 5K is the magic number to aspire to. This is because while 5 kilometers, or 3.1 miles, presents a measure of difficulty that will keep you challenged, it’s still an attainable distance that will invariably leave you wanting more. Not only that, you get to enjoy myriad perks that even the most dedicated long-distance runners won’t, such as getting fit in less time and effort, plus less likelihood of injury. You even have fewer expenses to boot, which undoubtedly makes it more compelling to some. 

Needless to say, going from couch to 5K may just be what the doctor ordered. But before you go out there and hit the pavement, here’s everything you need to kickstart your fitness journey without breaking the bank.


The beauty of running is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on gym memberships and equipment to get started. With the great outdoors as your oyster, you get full access to streets, paths, and trails that are free, so it’s a good idea to take advantage of these to break a sweat.

However, this isn’t to say that your running journey will be completely devoid of expenses. In fact, an essential key to your 5K success is the right gear and accessories to keep you in top shape, help you avoid injury, and keep you motivated. You’ll need the right athletic shoes that suit your running style, compression socks, comfortable and breathable running clothes, and accessories like a hydration bottle and running belt to hold your phone, money, and what-not.

While all these add up, it’s undoubtedly a worthwhile investment. However, by taking the time to do your research, it’s easy enough to find great deals and promotions on Rakuten athletic wear and equipment. The savings you earn can then be used on future races and other stuff you might need later as you get closer to your 5K goal.


No doubt, your 5K journey also stands to benefit from the many available gadgets today that are designed specifically for health and fitness. To keep you accountable and motivated throughout training, consider investing in wearable tech like fitness trackers, which track everything from your speed to your heart rate, so you’re consistently informed of your progress. However, as these devices often don’t come cheap, it’s definitely a must to find deals or opt for wallet-friendlier models. Alternatively, you can scour running groups and marketplaces for secondhand devices, or even consider going a model (or two) down from the latest releases as these are often priced less.

If there’s no wiggle room in your budget just yet for a wearable tracker, fear not. Your smartphone already makes for a handy device that will keep you moving steadily toward your running goals. Today, there are multitudes of running apps available that you can download on your phone for free or for a nominal amount. Aside from tracking your runs, some of these apps even include features like route tracking and comprehensive training guides to keep your progress in check.


As you work toward running your first 5K, it’s not only important to keep your momentum on the road going; it’s just as crucial to throw strength and cross-training into the mix to get you to the next level, build your endurance, and most importantly, prevent injury. It’s a good idea, therefore, to enlist the help of a personal trainer who can provide you with the right guidance to reach your goals safely and successfully. As always, there are foolproof ways to make the expense more budget-friendly. In any case, this investment toward your endurance and overall health is inevitably worth it.

While training for your first 5K as a beginner requires a bit of spending here and there, the truth is these are small investments that you shouldn’t worry about. At the end of the day, it’s what you invest mentally and physically that really counts, so keep your eyes on the prize, and before long, you’ll be running that 5K without breaking a sweat.

3 Things You Need to Train For Your First 5K Without Spending a Fortune

Photo via Unsplash.com

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