CrossFit Tabata

Get Tabata Songs on iTunes! TABATA TIMER MUSIC, Jim Rego using JayBird BlueBuds X Wireless Headphones. Tabata Songs music created specifically for Tabata Training.

CrossFit athlete/trainer Jim Rego performs a Tabata Interval Workout with a variety of movements:

-Muscle Ups (on rings)
-Double Unders
-Toes to Bar
-Handstand Walk
-Tire Flips
-Overhead Kettlebell Swing
-GHD Sit Ups

Filmed at Pioneer Valley CrossFit in Hadley, Massachusetts

TabataSongs creates music that matches the exact timing of the Tabata Protocol

What is Tabata? 20 Seconds of sprint/work, 10 second rest, for 4 straight minutes. Tabata music lets you focus on your workout, rather than think about having to look at your watch or a timer.

Tabata Training began in the mid 1990’s. Japanese fitness researcher Dr Izumi Tabata created a HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout, using this very method. Dr Tabata proved the tabata method to draw heavily from both the aerobic and anaerobic systems, unlike most conventional workouts, which tend heavily favor one or the other.

The Tabata Interval has gained a lot of recognition throughout the Crossfit community, running community, and health clubs across the globe, for its versatility, adaptability, and positive results.

The Tabata Interval Method has proven to maximize VO2 max, while also building endurance, burning fat, and retaining muscle. Though the Tabata was not designed as a fat loss or weight loss program, it has gained a lot of recent attention in response to tabatas ability to speed up the metabolism and burn fat.

What is Crossfit? A workout program designed by Greg Glassman, which follows daily WOD (workout of the day) posts on the company’s official site. CrossFit often uses tabata in their w.o.d.

Crossfit motivation by alessandro maestroni
Video Rating: 4 / 5

49 thoughts on “CrossFit Tabata

  1. Hello, I am currently 20 years old and I want to become a walrus. I know
    there’s a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I’m
    different. On January 14th, I’m moving to the Arctic. I’ve already cut off
    my arms, and now slide on my stomach everywhere. I write with my teeth. I
    may not be a walrus yet, but I promise you, if you will subscribe to my
    channel I will be the greatest walrus ever. :)

  2. Now that was a killer circuit routine. Hit absolutely every body part. Just
    imagine doing 5 rounds of this every other day for 4 months? JACKED

  3. Con la cirugía finalizada exitosamente y con la mejor compañía pronto
    estaré de regreso a las pistas!!!…

  4. We don´t have crossfit where I live, but my taekwon-do sabum uses this
    music for overall endurance, HIIT and sparring training. And I like it!

  5. The tabata protocol is supposed to be the same exercise repeated 8 times.
    By doing different exercises you are working out different muscles hence
    modifying the effect of the Tabata protocol.

  6. Perfektní fyzička….jen škoda, že to video je sestříhané a ne opravdu v
    kuse. Ale tím neříkám, že pán nemá fyzičku skvělou ;)

  7. As a chiropractor in Los Angeles, California, specializing in biomechanics
    of the body, balancing the musculoskeletal system, and integrating
    functional neurology training, the number of patients I’ve seen from the
    CrossFit world has more than tripled. At first, I thought “What the fuck is
    this CrossFit thing? And why are so many people getting hurt by it?” And
    now I’m like “Ka-Ching! I wish more people did this shit LOL!”

  8. Crossfit propaganda is a great way to make your nation into a
    semi-warriors, because lets face it. It’s basically a military training. 

  9. Funny thing is the guy who wrote this song is a bodybuilder. He also talks
    trash about cross-fit. LAWL

  10. MMA all day love this jammmmever since started jamm in it been hitting the
    gym hard cord amazing results 

  11. le CrossFit est une secte!!!Ya que des excercices de fdp pour ce niker les
    os et vous vous kiffer sa ptn mes ridicules vgm

  12. not hating, still dont know how they can have that mass doing intense
    workouts and cardio so often..

  13. aqui la gente critica mucho el crossfit cuando no teneis ni idea de lo que
    es mejor callaos la bocas bocazas. que os creeis que el gimnasio os va a
    hacer volar y lo que sois son simplemente mariconas de gimnasio que os
    ponen a correr a nadar a hacer bici y entrenamientos muy intensos y alos
    dos segundos estais muertos. uno de estos tios os coje y os folla el culo
    bien ya sea haciendo dominadas estrictas levantamientos, correr nadar bici
    haciendo levantamientos dominadas estrictas o lo que querais no teneis nada
    que hacer chavalines. ahh y para los que se quejan de que si las dominadas
    no se hacen asi estos tios las dominadas las entrenan estrictas y
    lastradas( con peso) para despues hacer las dominadas de crossfit asique a
    los chulitos de gimnasio meteros por el culo vuestras palabras y que
    fardais de ser atletas y lo que sois es mierdas. mariconas de gimnasio eso
    es lo que sois musculo que no sirve para nada.

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