Making Waves— How Swimming Can Keep You Active When Recovering From an Injury

For active people, being sidelined with an injury can be an incredibly frustrating experience. Although you may be limited in what you can do during this recovery period, swimming is generally a good exercise that anyone can enjoy. Here are three ways that swimming can help you to recover and keep you active.

Great Cardio Workout

There is no doubt that swimming delivers an exceptional cardiovascular workout. Even though it feels like fun, swimming elevates the heart rate and increases circulation throughout the body. Swimming burns an exceptional amount of calories, helping you to keep the weight off even if you are sidelined. You will get out of the water feeling as if you have just achieved a full-body workout. If you’re feeling ready for it and want to try diving, just be sure that you listen to your body and only dive in water that is 12 feet or deeper.

Non-Weight Bearing Exercise

When you are recovering from an injury, you are going to need to be extra cautious so that you do not make your injury worse. You need to be careful with what types of exercise you decide to perform. Swimming is an ideal choice because it is a non-weight bearing exercise. The low-impact properties of swimming mean that you will not be putting additional stress on your body or injury. This allows your body to sufficiently recover while you still enjoy the benefits of exercise. You may even realize that you want to incorporate swimming into your regular exercise routine after you have recovered.

Increases Bone Strength

Although weight-bearing exercises are generally more effective at building bone strength, researchers have found that swimming also provides benefits in increasing this strength. Making swimming a part of your recovery routine will help to promote stronger and more flexible bones. This will make the bones more resistant to injuries such as fractures. Because swimming builds muscle, this exercise leads to more bone formation. Muscle strength is also a key component in preventing future injuries.

There is generally no reason to not just jump right in the water. Not only will swimming deliver a bevy of physical advantages as you endure the recovery process, but it will also provide immense mental benefits. You’ll enjoy the fact that you are still able to get in a good workout despite the injury.

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