Learn how to grow standing splits or Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana with Adriene! Increase flexibility and strength with mindful movement and breath! Tap into your grounding energy and engage your muscles! This pose can be challenging at first but is a fun one to grow. This yoga pose is a great stress buster too when you focus on your breath. Calm your brain and rejuvenate your body with some yoga play today. Grow your poses with Foundations of Yoga series – follow this pose up with Cobra pose! Make it your own. Cultivate a home practice. Find What Feels Good.
FWFG T-SHIRTS: http://shop.yogawithadriene.com/
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FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/yogawithadriene
TWITTER: @yogawithadriene
Instagram: adrienelouise
Pinterest: Yoga With Adriene
More at home Yoga experiences at: www.findwhatfeelsgood.com
Music by Shakey Graves: www.shakeygraves.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Join Adriene on Day 1 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Ease into your 30 day experience with an open mind, kindness and curiosity.
Use this DAY 1 practice to take stock, check in with the body and mind. Begin the practice of slowing down, noticing, stretching and moving with ease. Commit to 30 days of breathing deep and listening. Acknowledge the distractions, the frustrations, the parts of the body that need more love or are in healing. Acknowledge it all! For this journey is about more than just a flexible, strong and tone body. It is about full mind, heart and body wellness. Begin here to set the foundation for a connected home practice. – FREE and in the comfort of your own home! Get empowered, find what feels good, listen to your body and lets have some fun!
Connect and support others down below! Cultivate positivity. Remember each day is different! The journey is the reward! See you tomorrow!
Sign up for 30 DAYS OF YOGA here: http://yogawithadriene.com/30days/
See Adriene’s Let’s Get Started letter here: http://goo.gl/EMCvlE
Go Deeper with other goodies to support you on your journey + donation based downloadable versions of the videos so you can practice anytime, anywhere: https://gumroad.com/l/30daysofyoga
Need the BASICS of Foundations of a pose?
Check out the Foundations Of Yoga playlist: http://goo.gl/Bc2iUc
Watch My New Cooking Series on Kin Community!
Stay Connected ~ www.yogawithadriene.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/yogawithadriene
TWITTER: @yogawithadriene
Instagram: adrienelouise
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Learn how to grow standing splits or Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana with
Adriene! Say what? Give it a try! xo xo
Love this…but can you tell me about your tights? I love them!!! :)
This is great – thank you!
I have a question about a class I’m taking.. Well I am currently taking a
yoga class and it does relax me a lot but the first thing is when I notice
my back starts to relax its very painful. And I hear yoga is supposed to
leave you energized but after yoga I am always so tired I just pass out on
my bed and sleep for Hours and I am not one that takes naps but yoga knocks
me out. Is that supposed to happen?
What do you mean when you say hug the outer ribs in?
Also can anyone help me: when I’m in downward dog and want to step my right
or left leg in to be in line with my hands and then open up into a lunge, I
can never step my foot far enough. I always have to shuffle it forward
about 15cm so it’s in the right place and my knee is stacked over my ankle
rather than leaning over my toes. What do I need to work on? I’m really
really trying to tighten my abs and drive my knee to my chin to get my foot
closer to where my hands are.
Hi Adriene, not that I have done this pose many times ( I’m still sort of a
beginner), but when I do I feel like everywhere around my right area of
groin/hip feels all bunched together and sore 🙁 Do you have any
suggestions? Also, I’m really excited for when you will be talking about
food/nutrition etc. Do you know when you’re going to release that? 🙂 :)
Yay advanced poses !
I love the foundations of yoga videos, I have never been able to truly
understand poses until watching these videos. I have a question about
child’s pose. I am not able to get my bum to rest on my heels, and it ends
up creating a lot of pressure on my arms and forehead. Any advice? I want
to find this calm and relaxation in this posture but I can’t seem to get
I’m really excited to try this out once I get home from work! lThanks
Adrienne 🙂 love love!
Super cute shirt! Are those for sale somewhere?
I very much love that you take the time to explain each detail. So that we
understand how we should feel, and the reasons why we do it the way we are
doing it.
I am very glad that I subbed. Namaste
Would you be able to put together a yoga routine for toddlers?
You are grate.
Also it would be awesome if you did a Q &A vid!! Just about your life,
daily rituals/habits, your favourite food etc :D
Hey Adriene, I noticed that both of my legs don’t come as high as yours 🙁
Is there something I’m doing wrong? Thanks!
What song is your opening tune?
What kind of Yoga Mat do you use?
Lovely video as always, thanks a million times!:) I’m on my fourth time of
doing the #30daysofyoga challenge and I’ve noticed soo many improvements in
balance and indurance! I practice with you every day, so I basically see
you more than my own mom haha! You’ve become my guide, my teacher, my
friend and there’s so much love for you in my little heart ♥ Can you buy
the empower program in Germany as well? Namaste! xx
Adriene, i absolutely love you! i greatly appreciate your own personal
style that you put into your teaching. Each day I look forward to doing
yoga because of it.
peace, love and light.
You looked somehow troubled and restless to me, hope Yoga helped you get
rid of that Adriene. Nice Video. :)
Love your videos Adriene, could you please focus on Lord of Dance next
time? Xoxo
Hi Adriene. Greetings from Brasil!!!
I am 50 years old and it has been a long time since I had any kind of work
out :(. Now I need to lose weight due a knee condition (chondromalacia
patella). I found your videos and you have been helping me since january. I
practiced at first the yoga foundations and then I followed the 30 days of
yoga series. I started today the weight loss series and my problem is that
I really can’t take the “runners lunge”, my knees really hurt in this
pose. I want to know if there is another pose that can substitute this one
or any variation of it that can be more gentle to my knees. Thanks for
your wonderful work !! You are great Adriene!!
I love your classes! Thank you!
its harder than it looks
I really like your teaching style. Thank you for posting all these videos.
I am subscribed and enjoy getting the new ones and having a variety of
different practices. Thank you.
Begin now with me! Or whenever you are ready! Sign up for the journey with
me at http://www.yogawithadriene.com/30days
Day one is done. I’m late to the party but I didn’t make it a priority to
start this. I made the time now and getting up a bit earlier in the morning
was worth it. I feel wonderful. Can’t wait till tomorrow
I just got a revelation…yoga helps with emotional constipation. After
lying in corps pose for a few minutes at the end, the tears came. I felt a
bigger presence saying I love you. I sensed that, that presence is always
saying that to me but I’m not always present to hear/feel it. My breath
bridged me to the Presence 🙂 Thank you Adriene for your sweet and
beautiful guidance…Lovely!
I lost my yoga virginity today. It was painful at times. It sure looks
easier than it really is, but in the end I felt so peaceful, light and…
sleepy? I don’t know, I think it kinda slowed down my heart rate. Goodnight.
Will continue tomorrow.
*Since starting work I have been feeling a little sore and my muscles have
been shortening*
As most of you know, I work in a mental health facility which does mean we
sometimes restrain people but more than that, we run to medical codes and
help morbidly obese elderly people change their depends and take showers.
On top of all that, there’s the stress of the job, which takes a
significant physical toll. I am no longer 20 something and can get away
with walking around all tense, misaligned and sore. I feel it now like I
never did before.
I did one of her videos for beginners yesterday and then did this 30 days
of yoga, day 2 today. I’m resolving to do the 30 days and make it a normal
part of my morning. I’m also resolving to drink at least 40oz of water a
day. And while I know that’s not enough for what I undoubtedly sweat out,
it’s significantly more than I currently drink, which is a huge part of how
I feel physically.
You had me at Mr. Burns
Starting today!!!!!! Day 1 complete
I can’t wait to see how far I get with this haaha
Oh dear, this is day 1? It was already far too advanced for me. I’m too
old and stiff and can’t sit cross legged. If I bend over I feel ill. I
had to lie down for 15 minutes after this and then still vomited when I got
up 🙁
Is there something much simpler I could follow?
I have recently been diagnosed with degenerative dics disease, I also have
a trapped nerve down my left leg that has been agony for over a year now, I
have been on hard painkillers for that amount of time too, and have been
put on the waiting list for surgery to correct the trapped nerve. Through a
lot of research I had an ‘Ah ha’ moment and I decided that yoga and diet
have got to be the medicine to correct this. I started 3 weeks ago with
your yoga for lower back pain video, and it has been amazing! I already
feel the benefits, my pain has lessened – I can’t believe it! For the
first time ever, I know I am really listening to my body, and with your
guidance I am not pushing it to do everything that you’re showing, but only
the things that feel right. I live in a fairly rural place on the west
coast of Scotland, we have no yoga classes – but I really feel like I’m
getting a one on one session with an extremely knowledgable and talented
lady. Thank you so so much Adriene!
Olá não sei se vai entender meu comentários , sou de Brasil , e estou
acompanhado seus vídeos , eu estava muito sedentária e engordando bastante
, resolvi fazer exercicios como esteira e dança aeróbica e estava
acompanhando o canal do fitness blender pra musculação , vejo resultado ,
porém meu corpo estava muito doloroso, estava com muita dor nas pernas
pescoço e costas até caimbras nos braços , e quando comecei a acompanhar
seu canal mesmo nao entendo sua línguagem , eu fui seguindo o que vc faz e
ao finalizar parece que estou nova em folha pronta pra outra rs , então
queria agradecer por compartilhar isso , e um grande abraço de uma amiga do
brasil , beijos !
I did the whole thing, im still a little shaky, thank you beautiful Adriene
Caught onto this alittle late, but day one for me is DONE!
What’s the name of music on the background ?
Why not! I am in. That was a very nice first day. I am 49 and when ever a
take a break in my practice its harder to start. This was a nice first day
back feels good.
I’m on a fitness journey, want to come with me? Started 30 Days of Yoga
with Adriene. The videos are free on YouTube! If you want to come along,
the 1st day is here:
i was all was a spiritual person but also have anger issues so i all was
wanted to do yoga and now i did day one i did not give up im doing this so
one i will be relaxed and fined the right dress under neath my cap and gown
im graduating in may and i want to become more relaxed day one complete i
will do day 2 after school it helps me relax after a stressful day at
school you are my new hero
This challenge with Adriene is very nice. #yoga
Adriene you are amazing !! Finally I returned to yoga and of course I
searched for your videos :)
Adriene, I’ve loved prepping the last couple weeks with your Complete
Beginners and Foundations videos and I’m committed to doing the 30 Day
Challenge this month so I’ll be in better shape for the summer. But I get
very frustrated with myself because I can’t bend in half, and my downward
facing dog is more like a wonky crooked table top! Are there any sort of
halfway poses that I can hold to build up the strength for those poses? Or
are there some exercises I can do to help my flexibility in my legs? I am
so excited to be Yogaing with you this month!
Thank y for your videos.I’m very appreciated especially this 30 days of
yoga. I’m yoga beginner but I wanted to get intense yoga that had different
moves and routines each day. And here I am, I found yours to be a perfect
model. Thank you so much :D
I think this 30 days of yoga is what I have been searching for. I love your
sense of humor and encouragement to go to my mat to learn something new
every day! Namaste.
Is it normal that at downward dog my back cant get that straight? It’s bent
and i don’t know if this happens as a result that it was my first time
doing yoga.