Marathon Training : How to Train for Your 1st Marathon

Training for your first marathon should take about six months as you build up to longer and longer distances, and it requires sticking to a strict schedule and routine. Start training for a marathon early to prevent the chances of injury with advice from a competitive runner in this free video on running marathons.

22 thoughts on “Marathon Training : How to Train for Your 1st Marathon

  1. Great advice-thank you. Training for my first marathon in October…did my
    first half this past November. Long run today-needed this little boost of
    confidence today LoL. :(

  2. 6 months is unnecessary when u already run 3 to 5 times a week, even if
    it’s only 3 -5 miles daily, 3 months is enough

  3. GREAT suggestions… I have just done a 1/2 marathon and took 10 months to
    train for it as I had never jogged before and I’m 56 y.o., and it went
    extremely well (no injuries) and I loved running the 1/2 marathon. Now I’m
    training for the full marathon in Montreal scheduled for September 2015, so
    it will take me a year to increase very gradually my endurance level to run
    the 26.2 miles marathon.

  4. Let’s be honest you search this because you want to run the New York City
    Marathon 2015 Like!!

  5. anyone wishing to run 100 miles a month should contact me, we have a
    hundred mile club on Nike+ and we do that on monthly basis. add me on
    Nike+, search for “Prej I” and add me

  6. I’m hoping to attend a marathon in 3 years time ( when I’m 18 ) and I’m
    hoping to get to the point where I’m doing 100 miles a month

  7. I agree that starting out with 2 mile races is better… not to mention
    safer for people who have never ran any kind of race before. The length of
    the race should be increased only with experience.

  8. Anyone can do a marathon, it’s not that hard it’s actually easy. Want to
    challenge yourself, take up ski mountaineering!

  9. @tobiosnmakky I don’t like treadmills but I’ve been running more often
    since I posted that comment 😛

  10. The question is… Why did you watch it in the first place if you werent
    even going to run? Common sense.

  11. Swim 750m three times a week! It did wonders for me. Helps you stretch out
    your legs and is a great way to vary your workout!

  12. This was a really helpful find when looking around for info on my first big
    run. Nice information condensed into one place!

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